Anton Armor uPVC Roofing sheets has been awarded the prestigious “Green Label Certification” from Green Building Council and “ISO 9001:2015” as well.
Anton’s Armor Roofing has been commended on several occasions for its value and quality. “Anton Armor” becoming the first brand in the roofing category in Sri Lanka to be awarded with the Green Label Certificate, yet again increased its value and brand equity.

“We are proud to announce that we have being awarded with the “Green Label Certification “from the “Green Building Council”. With this our customers can now purchase Eco-friendly Anton Armor uPVC roofing sheets from Anton”, stated Lahiru Jayasinghe, Chief Operating Officer at St. Anthony’s Industries Group (Pvt) Ltd.
“Not only do we believe in sustainability as a bottom-line focus for our company, but also on how we can put a greater positive impact on peoples’ lives and the planet as well, we are strongly following the mission as well as the tagline of “We Lead Where It Matters”.” added Jayasinghe
As a company which always believes in sustainability and innovation, Anton has decided to introduce uPVC Roofing Sheets under the sub brand name of “Armor” a few years back.
Made with benefits such as Sound resistant, fire retardant, Anton corrosion, colour fastness, low installation cost and many more, the award of the Green Label certification speaks volumes on the sustainability focus of the household uPVC manufacturer.
About Green Label Certification
Sri Lanka, like other countries around the world, is facing an immense challenge, to create sustainable buildings for the future. Building construction materials play a major role in converting construction industry into sustainable greener one. Each and every country in the world more or less have its unique conditions with different resource availability. It has emphasized the need of developing GREEN SL®Labelling System, which adapt to Sri Lankan conditions while having a global recognition.
Green Labels awarded by Sri Lanka Green Council are also called Eco labels, are affixed to products that pass eco-friendly criteria laid down by government, association or certification bodies. The GREENSL® Labeling System (GLS®) of Sri Lanka was initiated by the Lanka Institute of Eco labeling (LIOE) set up by a group of professionals engaged in environmental conservation and entrepreneurship with the inputs, encouragements and technical assistance from the Global Eco labeling Network (GEN).
About Anton
Founded in 1958, Anton is a market leader that has pioneered, invented, and invested in Sri Lanka’s industrial growth. Anton believes in improving the quality of life for every customer and retains a global outlook whilst being local at heart. For this reason, the Anton brand promise is trusted by local and international consumers, industry experts, and professionals. Anton Products are WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) approved and SLS & ISO certified.
For more information about this please contact: 011 2 680600